1. Create a New document with 2000 x 1236 px. Fill its background with black color.Make a duplicate of that layer(ctrl +J).Then add noise to it from.Choose filter>noise>Add noise.
2. Now go to Image option then to adjustment>curves and apply the settings shown below.
3. Make a duplicate of the layer And with free transform tool increase it's size like shown below.Then select Image>Adjustments>Curves.then change the blend mode of layer to screen.
4. Now,Duplicate the first layer again and drag it to the top of the stack.Using free transform make it twice the size of the image as shown below.Goto Image>Adjustments>curves and apply below settings.
5. If you want the star to look more natural add 2 curve adjustment layers to small and medium stars layers.Now click in each curves adjustment layer mask to check whether it is selected or not.Now go to Filters>Render>clouds and press ctrl+Alt+F to randomize the clouds.Make sure to clip each adjustment layer to the corresponding star layers.Adjust the opacity to give it nice look.
6. Add a layer mask to each star layer and run cloud filter on each.
7. Now.Add a new layer at top of the stock and choose clone tool.Choose a hard edge brush, change the blending mode of tool to screen and start cloning on it.And change the layer blending mode to screen.
8. Add a new layer(ctrl+alt+shift+E) and apply gaussian blur of 4px. After that change the blend mode of layer to linear dodge.
9. Add 2 layer of color balance adjustment, In first color balance layer choose a color(blue) And change blend mode of the layer to soft light from layer palette and in second color balance layer change color(orange) then change blend mode of layer to color dodge and apply cloud filter to layer mask of both layers.Press Ctrl+alt+F to randomize effect and make it stronger.Adjust opacity according to your choice to make it better.
10. Now add a new layer and apply black color on it and change it's blend mode to linear dodge.The apply lens flare to it by going to Filter>render>Lens Flare. Resize the layer and place it in your star clusters.Make duplicate to put at several places.
11.Add the dust image given below in your document. Re size it to fix to canvas then add a mask layer and generate some clouds.Reduce opacity to 5% and Change blend mode of layer to screen.Duplicate the layer after that rotate it 180 and add a color balance adjustment layer.add this layer to 2 position.
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