Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Create a Star Field in photoshop

1. Create a New document with 2000 x 1236 px. Fill its background with black color.Make a duplicate of that layer(ctrl +J).Then add noise to it from.Choose filter>noise>Add noise.

Monday, 29 October 2012

Create Smashing glass effect in photoshop

Final image:

1. Create a new A4 photoshop document with black background.
   Open that image over that black background by moving one document to another with move tool.
   Set the image in center and place into a group folder named Face.
   Now draw a selection(feather 2px) around tongue,after that darken it with burn tool.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Create a metallic text in photoshop

It will look like this>>>>

1. Create a new document of background is of like dark grey color :

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Rainbow in eye(changing eye color)

This is an exciting way to change eye color.By this method you can set any color to eyes of your 

Monday, 22 October 2012

Making cartoon

Firstly, we will take a picture/photo/image of which you want to make a cartoon.Using pen tool make a outline of it by applying brush strokes to it in a new layer.After completion of out line make a new layer  for outline of inner parts of face and set the brush to perfect pixels according to your choice.And outline the shape of eyes in a perfect manner as I have done above.Make cornia of eyes black then apply a small line over it and expand it with smugde tool.For every parts like hair ,t-shirt ,lips ,eyes make a new layer.Try it and enjoy it.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

terminator over woman face

In photoshop with help of layers we can apply different effects.Like in the above image i have applied a terminator face over a woman face.In this first you have to take to images (i) the face over which you want to apply effect and (ii) the image to be applied over the face(like terminator). in first layer simply take face image and then in second layer take terminator face and add mask filled with black color (put black color in foreground color and press alt+backspace) then take a feather brush and drag over the image to see effect 

Different types of Text ediiting

You can edit text in photoshop by converting it into shape and paths etc.Like i have first write the text

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Making sound waves !!

We can make image like sound waves(like alternating waves) with photoshop. As you have to draw a vertical line first then using filters i.e. wind shape it like waves first from right then from left and then rotate it to horizontal plane.Then add a new layer and apply a seven color gradient to it and  change the mode to overly or color burn.

Amazing photo manipulation(face editting) !!

You can edit different photos with mask or layers to them.Actually, all the concept is based on layers and mask and groups of layers .In this image First you have to make a copy of background and then change background copy into black and white mode and then add a layer which you want to manipulate over the face , and using different brushes you can give many strokes.if anything you don't understand then please leave a comment.

Gradient tool in photoshop !!

You can make different types of gradient using gradient tool.Like I have made the above image using three combination of colors in gradient tool.And by adding filters like artistic to the image.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Making images with different modes !!

You can make images with different effects in photoshop using different modes like colour burn and multiply,etc. and using different shapes of brushes.

Rocky effect to buildings !!

You can give rocky effects to any image with help of photoshop.Isn't it interesting.

Converting photo into text !!

You can convert photos into text images with help of photoshop. See, how it looks.

neon strips(glowing lines) affect in photoshop !!

You can make these strips in photoshop .And these can be used curl/rolled around something like around a person or a tree, etc.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Making backgrounds in Photoshop

There are various methods for making backgrounds in photoshop.Like in simply way that i have posted above.You have to collect different types of resources like brushes, fonts. i have used font named "diffused".